"Jared"'s Declaration of Interdependence

STRIKETHROUGH -- When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. -- TO HERE

Living in dependence. Declaring in dependence.
Where do I end?
Am I separate from my gut bacteria if I couldn’t survive without them? And they without me?
Inter- not in-.
Protein for glucose. Silk for opium.
Indebted to the cyanobacteria which first released oxygen into the atmosphere.
From Latin dependere - to hang down / hang from.
Hanging amidst, swinging from branch to branch with vines, cats, stones and tardigrades.
Hanging with. Hanging out together.

Close your eyes.
Salute the species that live within you.
Say hi to the bacteria swimming in your eye fluid.

One cannot exist without the other. Duh.

Open, people!
Open, hearts!

Forget the spectacle
We refuse the lack of fear

We want a little bit of anxiety
The careful psychoanalysis of each movement
May the insecurities be
A mutual fuel
To build

The kind of a whole year’s worth
in eight hours

The cold eyes
The badass
The lack of guilt
The lack of pain
We yawn to that, farewell to that

We prefer insanity, to undo works, to stay an hour alone in hell to rescue a part of a soul without even letting them know

That kind of obsession
The self renounce thought and re-thought, as many times as that artist plays on repeat
Only the kind that shines when the gaze of two pairs of eyes meet

We don’t want, we don’t like, we won’t go
We delete our archive, burn our negatives, cut our stitches and make a light house out of our scars

The worthless monstrosity is only worthless here
What remains is the grains of sand, the tiny pebbles and the iridiscent little shells

We are the grains of sand, the tiny pebbles and the iridiscent little shells
We are the dream of an ancient tree
We are the spark that opens the portals of redemption

- Paulina
Art is discovered rather than created. - Wei